Releasing October 28th, Ashwin aka Cyber Reaper honours us with an early listen single exclusive featuring the ever so popular Marie of grabyourface. Here we have 'Let Me Just Get My Axe' and in Ashwin's words: "I collaborated with grabyourface from France for them to do half the vocals. I play and sing the male perspective in the song and they play a dominatrix. The lyrics are loosely based on the movie 'American Psycho'. This is also my Halloween tune!"
Below you can stream the track via Bandcamp before official release, below that is a quick review too!
Check out grabyourface's Bandcamp by clicking the logo:
Cyber Reaper is a multi-genre electronic music outlet by Ashwin Prasad. It is focused on darkness, melody, and bass, inspired by sounds of the 80s, with a modern edge. Themes for songs are based on sci-fi, dystopia, and nightlife. Ashwin, who has a background in metal, rock, and ambient, released the first Cyber Reaper EP, 'Unholy Trinity' on May 1, 2022.
Here's the track:
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I love a mid-tempo cyberpunk beat and come on, who doesn't? Suggestive breaths, a whip crack, and Marie saying..
"This is gonna hurt"..
..sure does set the theme Ashwin was going for with the dominatrix vibe. Lyrically Ashwin speaks out a smooth drone about relinquishing control that are woven around by Marie's vocals like a smooth power play dance.
This is a spicy song until you realise Marie is grabbing an axe to cut the song and Ashwin's character to bits. It is still a track that would go down so well in fetish and Gothic night clubs. It is an easy tune to sway along to and lose your mind via intoxication and the ambience of the track.
So whether you add this to a playlist of spicy tunes, Halloween tunes, or a mix just to vibe out to, Cyber Reaper and grabyourface have covered all angles with a truly well rounded and enjoyable song that oozes desire, passion, and most importantly.. violence!
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