It's not every day you get to see a modern legend supported by a more traditional legend, yet that is exactly what was gifted to the fans in the UK. Having reached out to the industrial crowd for someone to put me in touch with Alexis Mincolla of 3TEETH, I was very appreciative when the artist MATT HART did just that for me; and so an interview and press pass was agreed upon early. Along came the day of the show and I had yet to hear back on where and when this interview could take place but if I have realised anything with my Elektro Vox work, a lot of it is down to sheer luck and optimism; So it was that whilst trying to find the venue super early, my group and I bumped in to a somewhat hungover Lex and fellow band mates in the street. We ended up joining them on a search for coffee and as my partner put it.. "You can't make this shit up!" Not long after we are chilling in the rather wonderful dressing rooms of the Heaven nightclub, enjoying a bottle of Camden Hells, and the interview below was the end result. After a time we thanked the band and headed out for a while, eager to see the show! Keep scrolling for the review..

I'd been looking forward to seeing PIG because I must confess, the older generations of industrial music are something I'm still learning about, discovering properly, and getting in to slowly. PIG are one of those bands that has been a cornerstone of industrial for a long time and so I was very much open minded in the hopes of enjoying what they had to offer. I was not disappointed in any way. During their first song I was enjoying myself, by the second song 'Mobocracy' I was hooked, and by the time 'Find it, Fuck it, Forget it' was playing, PIG had certainly made me a fan. From the catchy lyrics, to the brutal solos, to the fact he was wearing a chastity belt and spinning his fluffy coat around his head, these factors alone made for an incredibly enjoyable experience.

The visual art behind them was truly what you'd expect from a band who have seen and done it all. The macabre and politically heavy videos resonanted well with their history, modern times, and of course, their lyrics.
Not once did I feel bored during their performance even though their particular style of music is not something I found myself dancing to much. However that just allowed for me to appreciate their performance more rather than just banging my head!

3TEETH slowly took to the stage one by one building up the anticipation of the crowd who had expected an explosive entry, just as the crowd was left on the verge of anti-climax, 'Affluenza' ripped out across the atmosphere like lightning finally tearing the heart out of the skies, relieving the pressure in an explosive fury.
Half way through the track it became apparent that the sound of one of the guitars wasn't being picked up. After a few seconds of a roadie trying to fix it, Lex did something I have never witnessed before.. He called off the track and killed the music. That's not the amazing aspect though. Instead of going silent until the problem was fixed, he turned his incredible charisma switch on and joked with the audience.. "I'm not having that. Industrial music without the guitar, what do you call that...EBM?" The crowd howled at that unexpected humour out of nowhere. Very quickly the band were ready to play once more and so Lex called for the track to be spun up from the beginning. It was bold and it was glorious. This problem became a wonderful addition to the show as 'Affluenza' once again ripped out from stage, the audience was swept up in their tidal wave of exuberant energy and new life in a way that only 3TEETH can create.

This was my third time seeing them and they have come a long way since the previous shows. Everything sounds crisp and clean, the vocals were pure, and the instruments unhindered in their clarity. Previous shows had been somewhat ruined by a group of overly aggressive mosh pit inconsiderates who don't appreciate the fact that a mosh pit has certain unwritten rules of consideration to those both in and outside of it. This was nearly the case at this show too but I felt a lot more positive energy coming off of that part of the room rather than the harsh energy I'd experienced before. In short, the energy was driving people crazy, but in a good way this time.
The entire show was a non stop powerhouse of euphoric aural abuse. Here is a band that has found their truest form with the release of Metawar. Hearing a lot of their new album live was an experience I am truly grateful for because it is not just a show, it's a feeling, an itch that gets under your skin tempting you to remember and relive the concert in your mind. When you give in to it your spine goes cold, your brain feels molten, and an adrenaline response kicks in half out of a sense of excitable danger and half of it like a drug addict wanting another fix. That's how powerful 3TEETH's live presence has become.

With their encore track, Lex came out dressed as the shapeshifter in the 'President X' video bringing the last vestiges of energy out of the crowd, pouring their pure joy at the stage.

Setlist caught by Cai stood behind me, just as I turned my eyes off the stage, typical ;)
3TEETH are something almost out of this world, something you just can't put your finger on. Perhaps the shapeshifter is a perfect metaphor for all of this and more, or maybe it's not? You'll need to see them to decide for yourself!

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#3TEETH #PIG #HeavenNightclub #Event #Industrial #IndustrialMetal #Aggrotech #EBM #Goth #LiveReview #Interview #AlexisMicolla #Metawar