The wonderful grabyourface is releasing an album on the 5th February, and great news.. They just released a single to warm you up.. Or to at least warn you that you will need a full box of tissues at release!
Here's an EXCLUSIVE first look at the album cover! (Unless of course you got one of the limited edition calendars at their UK headline show recently!) We also have some exclusive words below from Marie about the album and the single.

Words from grabyourface:
Sadgirl Mixtape is the album I always wanted to make. Every song tells a story that needed to be exorcised through music so I could get over it. I wanted to call it a mixtape to get the idea of both the 90s era that I have so much nostalgia for, and also that this is a homemade, carefully crafted compilation I would make for my friends to listen to when they're sad.
Every story is real, raw, every line of every song has been intentionally written and there are probably many messages in there for those who want to hear them, as well as for those who relate and will need to tell their own story through them. Things can be easier said with a song.
Music wise as well as lyric wise, I did exactly what I wanted to do with this album, as I wanted to create something perfectly aesthetically sad to cry to. I grew up listening to sad music, and I felt I had never enough to add to my sad playlist, so I decided to create some myself.
I've had people coming to me about how much the lyrics and melo vibe of You Will Never Be Happy spoke to them and how much they could have written those words themselves. This is exactly what I felt growing up listening to my sad emo goth and metal songs, so this is the ultimate accomplishment.
Urban industrial hybrid singing about sad stuff.
'You Will Never Be Happy' is the first single off the album Sadgirl Mixtape by grabyourface..
Released February 5th 2025.
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I know full well the amount of love and tears Marie has put in to the upcoming album, one of those albums where you know an artist has put their entire soul in to it, having wanted to do it for YEARS, and is anxious about how it will be received.
Marie has shot to popularity with their techno and dance heavy tracks, but before all that was the raw emotional sadness of their first couple of albums.
(Check out the wonderful songs 'Sea' and 'Shore')
So a return to the emotional side as opposed to their recent techno flourish must be quite daunting, but if you know Marie, and you've been a fan of GYF for a while, you know that no matter what - you will feel a connection, a resonance within their lyrics and songs that you will enjoy every-single-time.
GYF isn't there to pump out popular songs for money, they write for themselves, to overcome the trauma and abuses of their past, and to give very real cathartic voice to the pain and suffering most of us feel everyday with the state of the world.
So that's all to say..With this single, having heard some of the new songs live, and knowing Marie as I do.. I promise you will love the new album.
'You Will Never Be Happy' claws at the heart strings. This is far removed from the land of auto tune and 'catchy' popular beats, this is raw, expressive, a singer fighting back tears as they sing, trying desperately to give voice to a dissociative state, to real pain, real despair. If you appreciate that listening to the song, then you can truly appreciate that this is a fantastic song.
It's honest, it's exposing, it's powerful.
It is not here to give YOU a good time, it is here for you to shut up and listen to their melancholy and your own; To sit with it - that's important for everyone to do.
ER4SE provides some guest vocals, the track itself build slowly. With piano/keyboard notes flourishing together and a strong beat, the track feels somewhat primal, sharp in its edges, building to a crescendo before playing out leaving you with your thoughts; Contemplating the lyrics and how your own experiences compare..
I survived, living on the edge Hoping one day the sorrow fade away Every day senseless agony Unexplained misunderstood I’m imprisoned, locked in my own heart Dissociation to escape the dread Nothing has made sense for years now Only death will set me free
Thank you!
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