It's been a month since the first and incredible Zero Day Festival that kicked our asses over the 35th Slimelight birthday weekend.
It's about time I got this article put together but sometimes life just gets in the way. Below you will find the interviews and images I managed to take. Each band put in so much effort and skill that it was insanely good from start to finish. From the first UK show in 14 years for Ashbury Heights, to the Jaw crunching bass of Biomechanimal, the first live shows of Teknovore and Simon Carter & Fabsi, to the raw untamed power of ESA, and the poignant and shockingly wonderful Grausame Töchter!
This festival brought back the very heart and soul of the venue, the music, and the community flourished back at Slimelight. We all once again felt at home and like the future of Slimes was going to be more concrete and hopeful than we had all been worrying over.
A massive thank you to the bands but especially to Emmerick (Also Marc and Jason) for putting on this thoroughbred festival that did something I've always wanted to see.. A lot of lesser known bands being given stage time amongst larger bands and in so doing made the festival a truly special and unique experience that opened up the community to a lot of new and great music. Emmerick really did light the industrial beacons for this festival, and so the bands and crowds rode to Zero Day's aid in epic fkn style!
Also a big thank you to the venue and Slimes crew for helping host such a beautiful weekend!